The federal government has approved the appointment of 10 new members for Board of Directors (BoDs) of Saindak Metals Limited. The BoD will be headed by Dr Rehanul Haq Siddiqui.
Saindak Metals Limited (SML) is a 100 percent Government of Pakistan (GoP) owned enterprise working under the administrative control of the Petroleum Division. It deals in the exploration, exploitation and development of non-ferrous minerals and extraction of base metals. It was incorporated under the Companies Act, 2017, which provides that the Federal Government may constitute a BoDs to control, manage and direct the affairs of the company.

The Petroleum Division had proposed the following composition of the BoDs of SML for a period of three years, under the prescribed guidelines, rules and regulations and Corporate Governance criteria: (i) Dr Rehanul Haq Siddiqui (Chairman from Balochistan); (ii) Mir Balkh Sher Mazari (independent director); (iii) Jahanzaib Durrani (independent director); (iv) MD PMDC, Lt Col Khalid Rafique Shah (Retd) (independent directors Punjab); (v) Joint Secretary (I&JV), Petroleum Division (ex-officio director; (vi) Director General (Minerals), Petroleum Division (ex-officio director); (vii) Director General, ‘Geological Survey’ of Pakistan, Petroleum Division (ex-officio director); (viii) Secretary, Mines and Minerals Department, Balochistan (ex-officio director); (ix) Representative of Finance Ministry (ex-officio director) and; (x) Additional Chief Secretary, Balochistan (ex-officio director).