Ensuring Industrial Power Reliability The Impact of Safe Junctions in the Industry
Mr. Muhammad Bilal, Regional Sales Manager, S. A Hamid & Co In the intricate realm of industrial operations, the uninterrupted flow of electrical power is the lifeblood of every process, ensuring the seamless functioning of machinery, automation systems, and sensitive equipment. At the heart of this electrical infrastructure lies a critical component
Unveiling our Latest Product Line: Clean Rooms!
By Mushfiq Rahman, Director, Pakistan Insulation (Pvt) Ltd In this article, I want to introduce Pakistan Insulations (Private) Limited’s newest product line: clean rooms. For those who do not know, a clean room is an engineered space, specifically one that has a very low concentration of particles in the air, ranging from
Engineering Students’ Final Year Projects – Untapped national resource
By Engr. Khalid Pervez, CEO Each final year student must work on a ‘Final Year Project’ – or FYP as coined recently, which’s a group assignment allotted to 4 or 5 students. The FYP conducted under the supervision of a faculty member or external resource, is essentially an engineering application assignment, often
Sustainable Transportation in Pakistan Converting Petrol Motorcycles into Hybrid Bikes
Zain Hasnain, Mechanical Engineer | The worldwide push for eco-friendly and sustainable transportation has led to increasing interest inconverting traditional petrol bikes into hybrid motorcycles. This research article provides an in-depthexploration of the mechanical components that can be replaced or modified in both 70 CC and 120 CCmotorcycles in Pakistan
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing: Advancements in Prototyping and Production
Zain Hasnain, Mechanical Engineer | AbstractAdditive manufacturing and 3D printing have emerged as disruptive technologies,revolutionizing the manufacturing industry worldwide. This article provides an overview of therecent advancements in additive manufacturing. Additionally, it discusses how industries inPakistan, particularly in the pharmaceutical and power generation sectors, can harness thepotential of these technologies
Emerging Mechanical Materials in Power Generation and Transmission
Zain Hasnain, Mechanical Engineer | 1: Abstract The power generation and transmission industry are undergoing a paradigm shift, driven by the need for greater efficiency, sustainability, and reliability. Mechanical materials play a pivotal role in this transformation, impacting the performance and environmental footprint of power transmission systems. This research article
Production Development Methods via Solar Energy
Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Solar energy is used to power chemical reactions in solar chemical processes. These procedures can both transform solar energy into fuels that can be stored and transported and compensate for energy that would otherwise come from a fossil fuel source. Thermo-chemical and photochemical chemical reactions brought on
Duties of Electrical Engineers for Industry Standards
By Engr. Sheikh Mohammad Ibraheem Author BiographySheikh Muhammad Ibraheem is a student of electrical engineering, an author, and a researcherfrom Pakistan. He is an active member of NSPE and IEEE world’s largest engineeringcommunities. His books are published across the globe and is currently studying in TheUniversity of Lahore, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Productive outcomes of Solar Energy
Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the Sun that is captured by a variety of technologies, including solar architecture, solar thermal energy, and solar power to produce electricity. It is a crucial source of renewable energy, and depending on how solar energy is captured,