A brief look at Sustainable Development Goals

Report by Engineering Post The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda 2030 places people at the centre of the development process and calls for rigorous implementation of the 17 SDGs. These goals demand action from countries- developed and developing with global partnership to eradicate all forms of poverty and other deprivations which in turn requires strategies […]

Gas Sector of Pakistan

Engineering Post’s Report Natural Gas’s indigenous supplies contribute about 29.3 percent as per FY 2021 available figures of the country’s total primary energy supply mix. Pakistan has an extensive gas network of over 13775 kilometers Transmission, 157395 KM Mains, and 41352 KM services gas pipelines for catering to the requirement of more than 10.7 million […]

Autonics Vision Sensors: Streamlined Industrial Inspection in Partnership with Jubilee Corporation

Autonics, a trusted name with over 45 years of experience, continues to elevate industry standards with its VG Series Color Vision Sensors. Designed to simplify inspection tasks, the VG Series offers a robust and user-friendly solution for various industrial applications. Partnering with Jubilee Corporation, their authorized distributor since 1980s, Autonics empowers Pakistani industries to revolutionize […]

Gwadar Port gets Early Warning System Equipment

Engineering Post Report Gwadar Port has received early warning system in the wake of Pakistan’s iron brother and time-tested neighbor China’s unflinching commitment to continue helping Pakistan mitigate adverse detrimental impacts of national disasters like catastrophic flood, torrential rain as well as metrological hazards causing losses to industrial and other economy boosting sectors from time […]