Gas Sector of Pakistan

Engineering Post’s Report

Natural Gas’s indigenous supplies contribute about 29.3 percent as per FY 2021 available figures of the country’s total primary energy supply mix.

Pakistan has an extensive gas network of over 13775 kilometers Transmission, 157395 KM Mains, and 41352 KM services gas pipelines for catering to the requirement of more than 10.7 million consumers across the country.

The federal government has been pursuing the policies for enhancing indigenous production and imported gas to meet the ever increasing energy demand in the country.

Currently, the capacity of two Floating Re-gasification Storage (FRSUs) units to Re-Gasification Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG( was around 1200 MMCFD. Accordingly, Natural Gas was being supplied to approximately to more than 521000 new consumers following the required approval by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA). Additionally, the gas companies were in the process of investing about Rs 39000 million in transmission projects, Rs 48000 million in transmission projects and another Rs 10000 million in other projects bring their total investment to around Rs 10000 million during FY2024.

Currently, the two LNG terminals were operational with OGRA licenses granted in 2016 and 2018 to M/s Engro Energy Terminal Limited and Pakistan Gasport Consortium Limited respectively.