PPIB facilitating 13 Power Generation Projects under CPEC

Engineering Post Report Pakistan is duly benefitting from the great game changer China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through development of multi-sector infrastructure projects in different parts of the country including various projects in the energy sector. On the whole, according to the information gathered from the quarters concerned, 13 power generation projects of 11648 MW are being facilitated by the Private […]
Slight increase in allocations for infrastructure sectors for 2022-23

Engineering Post Report The Federal Government has slightly increased allocations for four infrastructure sectors under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) for financial year 2022-23 to Rs 395 billion from Rs 330 billion in the revised PSDP 2021-22. Accordingly, allocation for Energy sector has been maintained almost at the same level at Rs 76 billion […]
Project Oman

Build, Connect, Expand in Oman The Sultanate of Oman is considered as one of the fastest-growing countries in terms of infrastructure development. Although impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is gradually recovering, buoyed by the government’s 10th Five-Year Development Plan (FDP) under its strategic Oman 2040 Vision. Oman has become a sought-after destination for investment, […]
First Convocation of Nazeer Hussain University

Nazeer Hussain University (NHU) Karachi held its first convocation in the first week of July 2022. NHU is one of the leading university having diverse academic and research programs with dynamic faculty dedicated to excellence. NHU is offering contemporary education in the field of Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical and Civil), Computer Science at graduate level and […]