Potentials of Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity by Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal

During the periods of high electrical interest, the reserve water is delivered through turbines to create electric force. Albeit the misfortunes of the siphoning interaction make the plant a net customer of energy by and large, the framework builds income by selling greater power during times of pinnacle interest, when power costs are most elevated. […]
As COP 26 approaches by Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Energy and Environmental entrepreneur

Cover Story: As I briefly shared some introductory information about “The Daily Climate Show” by Sky news in last month’s article, this time around I felt the need to make it my cover story. Reason being a recent show in which their co-presenter shared a detailed report focusing on the sources of GHG emissions. The […]
IGA signed for Pakistan stream gas pipeline

Russia and Pakistan have signed an agreement to build the Pakistan Stream natural gas pipeline formerly known as the North-South Pipeline. In this regard Pakistan’s Ambassador to Russian Federation Shafqat Ali Khan and Minister for Energy, Russian Federation Nikolai Shulginov, signed the Protocol to the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) in Moscow. The pipeline will run from […]
Descon to build new production line for Maple leaf cement

Maple Leaf Cement has awarded the contract for the construction of its upcoming production line termed as “Line 4” to Descon Engineering. The production line is to be launched in 2022.Descon has been working with Maple Leaf Cement in the past as well having successfully contributed towards the construction of Maple Leaf’s Line 3 in […]
Balochistan planning power projects under Roshan Balochistan Program

Balochistan government has been planning to launch small scale power projects under Roshan Balochistan programme. This as per plan will be handed over to Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO). Under this project, power supply projects would be formulated at a specific location in off-grid areas. This will also benefit the people of the far-flung area. […]
NEPRA certified NTDC’s better performance

NEPRA has certified NTDC for better performance as compared to the last year 2019-20. In the performance report, the following improvements have been mentioned. The system duration of interruption earlier was witnessed on average around 0.12 hours (7 minutes) which has a decrease of 80% as compared to last year with an average of 0.61 hours […]
MoU between GIKI and PCSTSI

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed between Ghulam Ishaq Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology and Peshawar Chamber for Small Traders & Small Industry (PCSTSI). This officially states to pursue the mutual interest to search, develop and evaluate technology and analytically based solutions to the problems faced by the business community. […]
Gwadar port to generate activity worth $10bn per month

Authority chairman Lt-Gen (Retd.) Asim Saleem Bajwa has given a statement about the productive operation of CPEC. Once Gwadar port starts to operation fully, it will generate economic activities of around $10 billion per annum, besides creating thousands of new jobs. Soon after completion of the Gwadar Free Zone, a lot of manufacturing and trading […]
NTDC energized transmission line

The National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) have energized 500 kV Jamshoro, Dadu transmission line. Along this, the restoration of 500 kV Transmission Line and Jamshoro, Port Qasim is also being finalized. The point to ponder is that the NTDC has initiated the restoration work of damaged towers of high power transmission lines after […]
Diwan International introducing world’s Largest Solar Panel in Pakistan

Diwan International (Pvt) Ltd a renowned name in the distribution of solar products in Pakistan has launched the world’s largest Solar Panel “Trina Solar Vertex Series 655/660W” in Pakistan. These futuristic solar panels have the capability of producing 655 and 660W of electricity. The company is also planning to introduce Solar panels with the capacity […]
How HVACR consultants can add value to projects

A conversation with renowned HVACR consultant Engr. Safdar Ali Mughal For the past few years the HVACR industry of Pakistan has been growing consistently. This has led to the introduction of many new players in the market be it local or international. New technologies are also being introduced to cater for the different requirements of […]
NTDC choose Haier AC’s for Supply, installation & commissioning at NTDC grid stations

National Transmission & Dispatch Company (NTDC) is an autonomous power transmission company under ministry of Energy (Power Division). It was separated from Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA) in 1998 and owns all 220 KV and 500KV grid stations and transmission lines in Pakistan. NTDC started its commercial operations from 1999. Its present headquarters are […]