Linchpin of societal development and economic growth

Engineering Post Report

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are globally recognized  as the linchpin of societal development  and economic growth.

Official  sources concerned on being contacted said that  recent global developments have reaffirmed the significance of STI for its far reaching dividends.

Cognizant of the STI importance, the federal government has also placed the idea of a knowledge economy  at the heart  of its national development agenda.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has been functional since 1972. It was the national focla  point  and enabling arm of the Federal Government  for planning, coordinating and directing  effort, and for initiating  and launching  scientific and technological programmes and projects in the country in furtherance of knowledge and technology based development.

Ministry of Science and Technology through its 15 research and development organizations has diverted  efforts and  and resources towards demand driven research nd development and ensuring implementation of development projects envisaging  economic impact..The Ministry suggests  technological development for higher growth raters from the areas of  industrial development and for improving  standards of living. Its principal focus as such was  on building  Pakistan’s technological  competence in the 21st century as the country enters new markets, developing a larger pool of  human resources to reverse  brain-drain , and integrating the existing  technological  infrastructure  in the co8untry for strengthening  of technology institutions. effective governance of the scientific  and technological research and enhancing  the capacity of  of indigenous innovation systems in order  to promote  Made in Pakistan. Accordingly, outreaching efforts were being made for encouraging local industries to adopt indigenous  technologies  and processes and becoming  technologically  advance and sustainable over a period to achieve knowledge-based  economic development. Science, Technology and Innovation envisages huge  potential for promoting and ensuring scientific and socio-economic development  of the country, they pointedly added.