Minerals Sector performance and future plans

Engineering Post Report Mineral potentials of Pakistan are widely recognized not only within the country but internationally as well but somehow, most unfortunately, this important sector somehow has not been adequately developed as it should have been all these years for playing its due in the growth of the national economy. Quite sadly this is […]
Leadership, Anthropology and Neurosciences II

By Engr. Muhammad Iqbal Mirza CEO, Green Leaves Leadership is an inbuilt characteristic of human being, no matter of what size the role is. It could be as small as head of a family or a clan, a town, city or a country. Our prophet (peace be upon him) saying, which we mentioned in the […]
Interesting facts regarding Pakistan’s major imports

Engineering Post Special Pakistan’s major imports are listed as 16 other than many other minor items. Major imports include Electrical goods, Machinery (non-electrical), Iron, steel and manufactures thereof, on-ferrous metals, Transport Equipment , Chemicals, Drugs and medicines, Paper, board and stationary , Tea, Sugar Refined, Art silk yarn, Petroleum and products, Edible oils and Grains, […]
HVACR Expo 2020 by Lahore Chapter

All stalls booked within one hour Lahore chapter of Pakistan HVACR Society once again proved their strength as the whole expo booked online in just an hour after opening of the booking. The online booking was opened on 27th August at 3PM. Mr. Sajjad Haider, Chairman Lahore Chapter, Pakistan HVACR Society while talking to Engineering […]
Housing and Works Division continuing implementation of 42 major and minor development schemes during current financial year

Engineering Post Report Housing and Works Division of the Federal Government through its subsidiary down the line departments is continuing implementation of as many as 42 major and minor development schemes which are at various stages of their scheduled completion already during new financial year 2019-20. Additionally, three new schemes are also planned to be […]
What Samsung actually trying to do

Samsung launched the Galaxy S10 back in February, and now it has debuted the new Galaxy Note 10.Beyond the Plus, “lite,” and 5G models and the Galaxy Fold, the two are considered to be the standard variants, and in most cases, they’re more than enough to get the job done. But between them, the differences […]
Value Addition Engineering

By Salman Ahmed Khan, Assistant Manager Spares & Planning, Amreli Steels I was attending Engineers day celebration at NED University by Institute of Engineers, Pakistan on date 25 /June /19, where professionals and student were invited. During the opening of the program , NED Vice Chancellor came to address the audience and he said a […]
14th ISK-SODEX 2019 Exhibition in Istanbul

The Industry is getting ready to meet on October 2–5 The Tukish air conditioning industry, which includes air conditioning systems, ventilation, insulation components, fittings and equipment, and cooling equipment, is looking to expand to new markets in order to meet its $5.5 billion export target by 2019. ISK-SODEX will be held at the TÜYAP Fair, […]
IEEE PES Karachi chapter’s Technical Seminar 2019

Presentation by Mr. Asif Siddiqui on Net Metering Fifth activity of the year was organized by IEEE PES Chapter Karachi at Sunset Club, Karachi. A multipurpose event was arranged where more than 40 participants and industry leaders were eased by Platform and got opportunity of appealing with each other as IEEE is committed to serve […]
Even emotions are not hidden from technology

Amazon has announced a new milestone regarding Rekognition, its in-house facial recognition system. The artificial intelligence-based tech is now able to pick up fear from people’s faces. Rekognition offers a diverse set of tools for face detection, analysis, and recognition in images and videos. It’s one of the services Amazon offers as part of its […]
Scientists have developed robotic exosuit that allows humans to spend less energy while walking and running

Running and walking are simple human activities, but now scientists have found a way to make these tasks even easier for people. Scientists have basically developed a robotic superhero suit, known as an exosuit, that allows humans to spend less energy while walking and running. This exosuit, or perhaps more accurately “exoshorts,” would let wearers […]
Comprehensive plan chalked out to provide electricity to Special Economic Zones throughout the country

Engineering Post Report Power Division of the Federal Government has chalked out a comprehensive plan to provide electricity to all the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) being established in different parts of the country. According to the information available to EP from official sources, “Supply of Electricity to Special Economic Zones” project is estimated to cost […]