Net-metering policy is still a challenge

The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) has penned down a report entitled ‘Barriers and Drivers of Solar Prosumage: A Case-Study of Pakistan with prime focus on the net metering installation which has reached a cumulative capacity of 148MW. In comparison to the other regional countries e.g. India, the distributed generation has exceeded 5GW of installed capacity. Since DISCOs are playing the role of controller between distributed resources—the administration seems to be unwilling towards the distributed generation growth owing as burden of processing applications, superficial fears of revenue losses and integration challenges, etc. Although they are obliged by law to implement the net-metering regulations, currently no accountability mechanism exists with no check and balance process. While State Bank of Pakistan has introduced a scheme for supporting rooftop solar, still it is in limited adoption by commercial banks with continuous restrictions on borrowing for these installations.