PBS data showed major textile exports decline

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) shared the textile market exports data forthe fiscal year 2022-23. According to the data, textile exports showed a decline of14.63 percent during the current fiscal year and stood at 16.5 billion dollars ascompared to 19.3 billion dollars recorded during the fiscal year 2021-22. Thetextile exports showed a decline of […]

KE to partner up with ACWA Power for Large-Scale Renewable energy projects

K-Electric (KE) has expressed keen interest in participating in the development and acquisitionof power from renewable energy (RE) projects totaling 3,000 MW. These projects are set to bedeveloped by M/s ACWA Power, a prominent entity primarily focused on projects in SaudiArabia.The power utility conveyed its intention to the Minister for Planning, Development, and SpecialInitiatives, Ahsan […]

Strengthening energy investments through AEDB and PPIB Merger

Following the final approval of amendments cleared by the parliament, the government hasmerged the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) with the Private Power andInfrastructure Board (PPIB), aiming to offer a streamlined, one-window facility to investors.With the promulgation of the Private Power and Infrastructure Board (Amendment) Act, 2023,on June 10, 2023, as an Act No XXVI […]