Petroleum Division implementing 5 ongoing schemes

Engineering Post Report Petroleum Division of the Federal Government is continuing implementation of its five ongoing projects in a phased manner during the current financial year. It has been allocated Rs 960.05 million under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2022-23 for this purpose. The projects include Expansion and Up-gradation of Pakistan Petroleum Corehouse for it Sustainable Operations […]
Funds for Science & Technological Research substantially reduced

Engineering Post Report Allocations for Science & Technological Research Division of the Federal Government under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2022-23 has been substantially reduced. Science & Technological Research Division was initially allocated Rs 8341.000 million involving no foreign aid under PDSP during financial year 2021-22. The allocation was in the second half of the […]
NHA undertaking 6 feasibility studies

Engineering Post Report National Highway Authority (NHA) is undertaking feasibility studies of six proposed projects following PC-1 of these approved by the NHA’s Departmental Development Authority (DDWP). DDWP has approved PCs for undertaking feasibility study and and detailed design for road tunnel across Babusar Pass and its link access roads; for feasibility study and detailed design for […]
Pakistan HVACR Society organized networking event at Karachi

The next PHVACR expo is scheduled to be held at Expo center Karachi on 8th, 9th and 10th June 2023. To promote the upcoming expo the Karachi chapter of the PHVACR society organized a networking event at Karachi. The event was a massive success and was heavily attended by the exhibitor’s, consultants and senior stakeholders […]
Constructors Association of Pakistan elects new team

LAHORE: Engr. Syed Ashfaq Hussain, has been elected unopposed as Chairman of the Constructors Association of Pakistan (CAP) while Haji Noor Muhammad Khan as Senior Vice Chairman for the year 2022-2023.Members of the Association also elected unopposed Ch. Amir Majeed as Vice Chairman (Punjab), Syed Muhammad Naeem Kazmi as Vice Chairman (Sindh), Malik Riaz Khan, […]
Water Heating through Solar Thermal Collection Process

Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal A solar-oriented gatherer warms a functioning liquid that passes into a capacity framework for some time later use. SWH are dynamic pumped and detached convection-driven. They use water just, or both water and a functioning liquid. They are warmed straightforwardly or by means of light-concentrating mirrors. They work autonomously or […]
A look at Alternate Energy Sources

By Engr Sheikh Muhammad Ibraheem Everything that doesn’t depend on fossil fuels falls under the category of alternative energy. They are easily accessible and eco-friendly. In this very article we are discussing the alternate energy sources with respect to the fossil fuels and to those sources that are not very environmental friendly. With the extensive […]
0JT Program & role of young engineers in PEC

Engr. Syed Shayan Ali Shan, Chairman Pakistan Engineers Pakistan Engineering Council has recently launched an internship program keeping in view young engineers Pakistan’s agenda points, which is six months paid internship for fresh young engineers. Till September 2022 more than 10,000 engineers have applied for it but the filter applied at first step has cleared […]