Innovation in the field of Technology will lift Pakistan in Future

Every year around this time, GitHub releases a report called The State of the Octoverse which explains the open source activity that has been taking place on in the world over the past 12 months encourages the open source culture highlighting the importance of contributing to open source projects, especially in developing countries. This […]
Smart Climate Solution achieved milestone of 100 projects in 3 years

Smart Climate Solutions (Pvt) Ltd (SCS) embarks on a milestone after an award of century of projects in a period of three years. (SCS) established in November 2016 and started its journey with small steps with continuous thriving and competent team that strength it towards the big mile stone of achieving 100 projects in […]
Steps needed for the betterment

By Fawad Ateeq Barry, CEO, Haseen Habib Trading (Pvt) Ltd The Tezgam express incident has jolted the nation, in which 75 innocent lives were lost. Who is responsible for this loss? Is the price of life in our country that less, or is it nothing at all? Our railway minister says that the tragedy took […]

On October 22nd, eighth activity of the year was organized by IEEE PES Chapter Karachi at Sunset Club, Karachi. A multipurpose event was arranged where more than 35 participants and industry leaders were eased by Platform and got opportunity of appealing with each other as IEEE is committed to serve Engineering Professional to evaluate their […]
Policy initiatives planned by the federal government during financial year 2019-20

Engineering Post Report Certain policy initiatives are most likely to be taken by the federal government during on-going financial year to put in place an efficient, equitable and a rights based labour market in the country that will provide a mechanism to allow productive growth in the national economy and to result in real […]
No meetings held for more than a decade

National Commission for Science and Technology Engineering Post Report National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) despite being the apex body for deliberating policies of important Science ,Technology and Innovation Sector has not held its meetings for more than a decade. According to the information available from official sources, it has now been stressed at […]
Government focuses on the completion of important Transport and Communication projects under PSDP 2019-20

Engineering Post Report The Federal Government has attached due focus on the completion of important Transport and Communication sector on-going projects and initiating only commercially viable projects on Public-Private Partnership (PPP)/Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) basis under its Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) during ongoing financial year 2019-20. It has also decided in principle not to take […]
An Insight into Information and Communication Technology Sector

ENGINEERING POST Report The world is moving fast towards 5G,Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the key technologies for Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). With the advent of 4IR, new opportunities of prosperity are being created. The new wealth creation paradigm is based on data-intensive decision systems. Therefore, we have to harness, […]