VC SSUET urged to update education sector

As, Sir Syed University is an ideological university and has a name of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan with it,  Therefore, it is our moral obligation to honour his name and mission and to accomplish advance steps to set an example. Sir Syed University has already organised proper training on Capacity Building of Faculty for Online Lectures/Virtual Classes (Train the Trainers Programme). In this scenario, Prof Dr Vali Uddin, VC of Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) shared his thought about innovative education system; “In order to compete with world, it is the need of hour to update the system of education with prime focus on innovation. According to the global changes, stepping out of isolation shell is compulsory in order to fulfil the requirements. In the era of Artificial Intelligence at the face of modern technology, education sector is at threshold to be updated otherwise targets can never be achieved. New ideas and innovation is necessary to make country a better place to live. New ideas open doors to the new world. Though, the world has been turned to a global village so every crisis now affects the whole world. The Situation created out of Covid-19 can be set as example. We live in a world, which is multidisciplinary where teamwork gives out the outstanding results. One can do nothing alone. None of the subject has complete solution of the problems”.