Transformational changes in power system in offing

Engineering Post Report

The federal government is working on plans to bring about transformational changes in the power system of the country ensuring affordability, sustainability, energy security , and universal  energy success.

Accordingly, the government has prioritized utilizing indigenous, clean energy generation  resources and encouraging alternative and renewable technology.

The  Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) as such promotes and facilitates alternative and  renewable  energy technology  throughout the country.

The federal government, according to the available information, is committed to encouraging  the private sector investments in renewable energy power generation projects. Currently,  36 wind power generation of 1875 MW , 7 solar projects of 530 MW and 8 sugar mill based bagasse cooperation plants of 259.1 MW are  operating  ARE-based projects. Among several  ARE projects,  3 solar projects of 150 MW have started  under the Renewable Energy Policy 2006 were likely to be completed by the end of last financial year 2022-23.Additionally, 1 begasse project of 32 MW was expected to be completed in January 2024.

Alternative Renewable Energy (AREs) projects account for 6.8 percent of electricity’s total installed capacity. However,  ARE can increase  the national  energy supply mix and assure  universal and inexpensive  power access nationwide.

Based on Indicative  Generation Capacity Plan (IGCEP)  findings, the government  aimed to generate 60 percent of its generation capacity using indigenous clean energy  technologies i.e. alternative renewable energy and hydro by 2030.

The base  National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) ‘s  plan IGCEP 2022 was currently under consideration of National Electricity Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) for approval, estimates the country’s demand at 41338 MW and installed capacity of  69372 MW by 2031. It has also added  13278 MW  capacity  of solar ( 8350 MW) and wind ( 4928 MW) capacity by 2031, increasing their power mix shares to 20 percent and 10 percent  respectively.

AEDB has already prepared the  Request for Proposal packages for competitive  bidding for wind and solar energy projects and made NEPRA-required necessary amendments. NEPRA will determine the benchmark  tariff for the competitive bidding.