Transfopower is anticipating bright future for distribution industry in Pakistan

Engr. Fawad. J Saeed, CEO, Transfopower Industries talks to Engineering Post

Transfopower Industries (Pvt) Limited was established in the year 1990 with the sole purpose of initiating the in-house manufacturing of transformers in Pakistan. The company started with a small group of engineers who pioneered transformer manufacturing and design in the country. The high end quality and reliability of their products helped them quickly become one of the most esteemed producers of high performance transformers in the country. Since 2013, Transfopower Industries (has also stepped into the Energy Metering market and has become one of the fastest growing Energy Meter Manufacturers in Pakistan.

Engineering Post had an exclusive discussion with Engr. Fawad. J Saeed, Chief Executive Officer, Transfopower Industries (Pvt) Ltd.

Replying to a question he said, “The past couple of years have been very challenging for companies all over the world from logistics to prices of commodities but as the restrictions of COVID-19 are subsiding, the environment is slowly getting very conducive for businesses in Pakistan.”

Transfopower Industries (Pvt) Limited manufactures transformers in 5KVA to 5000KVA range, for public and private sector including WAPDA, DISCO’s, KESC, Bahria Town, Shell, etc. While commenting on the current conditions of the market Engr. Fawad Saeed said “There is a lot of demand for transformers and electrical products in the market due to the boom of construction industry and overall development in the market. But due to the dollar rupee parity and increasing inflation the price for end user keeps increasing which is having a negative impact for business. The revenues for companies have increased but that is due the increasing prices of commodities not because profitability has increased” he explained. During the conversation he also appreciated WAPDA and other public institutions for improving their payment cycles and payment times stating that “It is a relief for all the vendors.”

In the list of electrical product manufacturers in Pakistan Transfopower Industries (Pvt) Limited is definitely placed on the top due to their innovative product designs and available product range. When asked to comment about how the company works to retain its top position in the market Engr. Fawad Saeed said “We at Transfopower believe that RnD is at the core of any successful business which is why we work excessively on RnD in fact a huge chunk of our revenue goes towards RnD so we can produce a product which meets or exceeds the demands of our customers,”.

During the conversation when asked about how he sees the future of electrical industry in Pakistan in the next 5-10 years Engr. Fawad Saeed said “Fortunately in the past few years a lot of work and investment has been poured into electricity generation in Pakistan but until now we do not have the adequate transmission capacity. Now in the next phase it is expected that the investments will be diverted towards massively improving the transmission and distribution infrastructure in the country which includes Transformers, metering, cables etc. So we are expecting things to get a lot better in the future in Pakistan,” he said.