Public Information and Statistical Management

Engineering Post Report

Sustainable Development Goals Support Goals Units of the Federal Government  are working  at the federal and provincial levels for providing support in various matters pertaining to  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as part of the Institutional Reforms to Transform  Governance.

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has already established a dash board to support evidence –based policy  making process.PBS has since compiled  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)/ Gross National Income  (HNI) at current  and constant prices for the years 2017-18,2018-19 and 2019-20 by industrial origin . Paper based data collection has also been shifted  to paperless or electronic  data collection and monthly/weekly price was being collected /processed and disseminated electronically.

Work on different  census/surveys/ studies  as Part of  rebasing of  National  Accounts from 2005-06 to 2015-16 including Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI)  has also been finalized.

The project “Upgradation of Rural  Area Frame for the Conduct of Census/Survey” has already been revised ti develop data base by collecting and digitizing  user-friendly rural area frame.

Report on Mouza Census 2020 has since already been finalized . Pakistan  Standard Living Measurement Survey   district level report 2019-20  has also been published  which provides information on  19 SGD indicators  at district level. Survey of Pakistan is also undertaking  mapping of urban and public land under celestial survey initiative