Pakistan-China sign Rashakai SEZ development agreement

Pakistan and China have signed the of ‘Development Agreement of Rashakai Special Zone’ agreement. Out of four industrial zones to be set up under CPEC, Rashakai has been prioritized to encourage growth of industries and spur local jobs for the people at their doorsteps.

The KP chief minister, ministers, members of the National Development and Reforms Commission (NDRC) China, CPEC Authority and other relevant high officials were present during the signing ceremony.
While addressing the ceremony PM Imran Khan said “Our next phase is industrialization. During 60s, the nationalization drive had affected the country‘s economy and exports. The Chinese industry wanted to relocate and Pakistan offers very attractive environment with complete incentivization,” he added.

PM Khan said that the priority of his government is to provide employment opportunities to the locals through industrialization.

Rashakai SEZ is unique due to its proximity to the first juncture of CPEC route, and being a significant resource and manufacturing base in the region it has the potential to become one of the primary investment destinations for foreign investors – particularly Chinese investors who are looking to find new and cheaper markets to relocate their industrial base.