NED hosts International Conference on Carbon Neutral Built Environment 2018

NED University of Engineering & Technology in partnership with the Karachi Centre, Institution of Engineers Pakistan (IEP) hosted the first two-day International Conference on Carbon Neutral Built Environment 2018. Sindh Minster for Women Development, Syeda Shehla Raza, was the chief guest, while Javed Memon, HEC Regional Director was the guest of honour on the occasion. On the occasion NED University vowed to make its campus a carbon neutral zone on its 100 year anniversary. A carbon-neutral environment means initiation of a number of mitigation measures especially extensive tree plantation to completely neutralize effects of harmful carbon emissions in a particular area due to greenhouse gases.
While speaking on the occasion NED University VC said that our direct contribution to CO2 emissions is 3120 million tonnes of Equivalent CO2, which is equivalent to approximately planting 140,000 trees. Through this initiative, NED University is aiming to become a live lab for Carbon Neutrality. The closing ceremony of conference hosted thirty-five school students from six schools of Tharparkar region, who alongside school students of Karachi planted geo-tagged trees on the NED University soil. Each plant is geotagged with the pair of students that plant it, and as long as the plant lives, the students will be able to see the CO2 that their plant has helped to reduce in real time.