The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoS&T) is planning to take over National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA), which is currently an arm of the Power Division.
In order to develop and implement the Energy Efficiency Standard & Labelling (EES&L) programs and the Energy Conservation Building Code as per the NEECA Act, NEECA has to rely on the Ministry of Science & Technology (MoS&T) and the institutions under its administrative control like Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC), Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) and Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
To improve the efficiency of the institution it is being contemplated that NEECA should come under MoS&T as the recent decisions to increase electricity tariff, and accelerating the energy efficiency initiative needs to be undertaken without unnecessary delays.
NEECA was established under an Act of Parliament in 2016, erstwhile known as National Energy Conservation Centre (ENERCON). NEECA was supposed to serve as a federal focal agency mandated for initiating and coordinating all energy conservation activities in different sectors of economy..