Japan offering opportunities for youth in 14 sectors

Japan is offering employment opportunities for Pakistani youth in different sectors. Charge d’ Affairs, Embassy of Japan in Pakistan, Yusuke Shindo has been reported saying “Japan wants to give chance to the talented youth of Pakistan to get themselves connected with the modern and innovative Japanese industrial sector for enhancing their skills to promote the concept of shared development and prosperity,”

Japan intends to import 3, 45 000 skilled manpower from 10 countries of the world. Although no quota is allotted to any country, the government of Pakistan had nominated only two recruitment organizations including National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and National University of Technology (NUTEC). In comparison Vietnam has nominated 392, Philippines 274 and Myanmar has nominated 248 organizations for the rapid recruitment process and even some countries have already exported their manpower to Japan.

The Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) already signed between both sides, offers opportunities in 14 Japanese sectors, including nursing care, building clinic, agriculture, fisheries, hotel management, food and beverages, aircraft maintenance and airports ground handling staff, shipbuilding, material processing, industrial machinery, constructions, car mechanic, electronics and electronic machinery in cards to import skilled labour force.