The Board of Directors of ICI Pakistan Limited has announced a further capacity expansion of Light Soda Ash at its Khewra Plant by 125,000 tonnes per annum (TPA), will bring the total installed capacity of ICI Pakistan’s Soda Ash Plant to 550,000 TPA. In the recent Board meeting, the financial results for the year ended June 30, 2020 were announced. According to results, ICI Pakistan PowerGen Limited, Cirin Pharmaceuticals (Private) Ltd and NutriCo Morinaga (Private) Limited, with net turnover for the year under review was Rs 55,256 million, which was a 7 percent decrease over the SPLY. The most fiscal reason behind this economic slowdown and uncertainty is the situation produced by Covid-19 pandemic along with far-reaching country wide lockdown. This vary primary factors has badly affected earnings in the later part of the year under revive.