Gwadar Free Zone North becomes functional

Engineering Post report

Gwadar Free Zone North, also known as Phase 11, has launched  its first  formal operations.

The zone, covering 2221 acres, enjoys exemption from all sorts of  taxes and  customs duties for a long period of 20 years.

This watershed development has coincided with Agven Private Limited, a fertilizer export company which geared up for its production operation in the middle of August 2023. Agven Private Limited was the first investor  to establish an industry in Gwadar Free Zone North after procuring 10  acres of land  for  setting up fertilizer factory  being the first in Gwadar both in size and product. Agven has started  operations under temporary  arrangements  such as electricity and water being provided by China Overseas  Port Holding  Company.

Another export company Hangeng along with its branches, Hangeng Trade Company  and Yuanhua  Industrial Company is also all set to start  its operations in Gwadar Free Zone Noth. When it becomes operational, fostering cultivation and purchase of agricultural products is expected to generate 1000 direct and 3000 indirect employment opportunities for the locals.