Guidelines for Fast Track Solar initiatives

Engineering Post Report

In order to accelerate transformation of electricity usage and installation into solar energy on priority basis in the public sector and also in the private sector , the federal government has appropriately  approved the Framework Guidelines  for Fast Track Initiatives  2022 recently  for promoting and developing cost-effective local renewable  energy sources in the country.

Primarily, this framework covers Solar PPV Energy Substitution for Expensive Imported Fossil Fuels, Solar PV generation on 11 KV Feeders and Public Buildings Solarization.

For popularizing usage of solar energy not only in the public sector but also in the private business concerns and households in an increasing manner, the federal government had also withdrawn the duty on import of solar panels, inverters and allied material so that the solar panels and inverters become available to the prospective users comparatively at lesser prices in the country.

It  may also be mentioned here that  after dealing with the electricity demand-supply  gap,  way back in 2016 the federal government had imposed a moratorium on new imported fuel-based  power projects in the country.

Furthermore, the federal government is also working on plans to convert all already commissioned  imported  coal  independent power producers (IPPs), to Thar coal  since Thar has the country’s largest coal reserves which have been developed in the recent years. With the addition of three power  projects during the just concluded financial year 2022-23, the  total installed  capacity from  five Thar coal-based  power generating plants has reached 3300 MW by now.