The Green and Blue Lines bus service has been inaugurated by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in the federal capital with the announcement to provide free service for one month. During the inauguration ceremony, the prime minister spoke about his happiness that the people of Islamabad and Rawalpindi would get benefit in terms of transport facilities. This will facilitate the people from all walks of life. Being thankful to Allah, the Almighty, he mentioned about the decline in petrol prices in the international market. As the inflation has been increasing in the country for the last four years and the common man has been working day and night to feed his children. Hopefully, the reduction in petrol prices will bring some relief to the people. He also mentioned about the important meeting presided by him to take important decisions and measures related to the supply of cheap electricity, including solar energy. PM Shehbaz further stated that in the past 75 years, political parties and dictators have not done anything good for the people, and for the present government, public welfare projects are a priority.