Engineering Post Report
Provision of productive, remunerative and decent employment is the significant mechanism through which paybacks of growth can be distributed in the society. Creation of employment opportunities in the country, as such, is one of the priorities of the federal government.
The skill development plays an important in productive employment, therefore, improved training and skill development is also an essential part of the federal government’s productive employment strategy.
The federal government has already taken special initiative and announced provision of 10 million jobs during its tenure by involving the private sector.
The other main initiative of the federal government to construct 5 million houses throughout the country will also substantially contribute to employment generation goal due to its forward and backward linkages with other allied industries numbering about 40.
Promotion of overseas employment opportunities for highly educated, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour force is an important avenue which is also being duly explored at the appropriate level. Efforts are also underway for reinforcement of the basic agenda of decent work in Pakistan.
Statistically speaking, Pakistan being the 6th most populous country and having 9th largest labour force in the world with population growth of 2.2 per cent per annum is adding a large number of youth in the labour force.
Employment situation in the country has improved. It is estimated that about 1.00 million new jobs were created in the country during financial year 2018-19. Certain policy initiative were also taken and efforts made to put in place an efficient, equitable and rights based labour market. Minimum wage law has been enforced and minimum wage is also being gradually revised upward according to the economic situation.
As per Labour Force Survey 2017-18, total civilian labour in the country was 65.50 million, out of these, 61.71 million (94.21 per cent) were employed persons and remaining 3.79 million ( 5.79 per cent) were unemployed persons.
The unemployment rate of 6.24 per cent in 2012-13 and 5.94 per cent in 2014-15 had further decreased to 5.79 per cent during 2017-18.
Male unemployment rate had increased from 4.98 per cent (2014-15) to 5.06 per cent (2017-18) while female unemployment rate had decreased from 8.97 per cent to 8.7 per cent during the period under report, according to the official sources.
Labour Force in 2017-18 was 65.50 million (31.70 per cent) in 2017-18 including share of male 50.74 million (77.47 per cent) and that of female 14.76 million (22.53 per cent).