While giving a speech at the business delegation led by the president of chamber of commerce and industry in Faisalabad, the Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar said that the problems that the business community is facing now a days will soon be resolved and that the expo center project is ready to begin in Faisalabad. He also said that Faisalabad will become the “Manchester od Pakistan”.
Faisalabad has always been the city with comparatively lesser governmental activity previously because of their major attention being on the cities like Lahore and Islamabad. According to the CM Punjab, government has made the best steps possible to keep the business community stable during the time of corona virus.
The CM also stated that a very major developmental work has been done in the city of Faisalabad during the years of the PTI government and that the main focus of the government is the equal development and uprising in all the parts of the province. He also announced that a technical university would also be established here in Faisalabad while communicating with the members of the national and provincial assemblies.
This can prove to be a big step in the development of the city and beneficial for the business community. The opportunities for investments and industrial developments may increase which will definitely help run the economic wheel of this country in a much better pattern.