Dhabeji SEZ to create about 200,000 jobs 

Engineering Post Report

Groundbreaking ceremony of Dhabeji Special Economic Zone under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework in Thatta, Sindh has recently been performed .

Dhabeji SEZ is located at an ideal location of being close to the ports of Karachi and Port Qasim and likely  to create about two lakhs direct and indirect employment opportunities on its completion and operationalization and even during while its construction work is progress. On completion it will provide   a platform encouraging both local and foreign investors to set up  industries and manufacturing units. Some Chinese investors have already expressed  their eagerness  to establish their industrial units in Dhabeji SEZ where a huge investment of $ 5 billion was already being anticipated. It is expected that some  Chinese giant entrepreneurs  may relocate their industrial units in Dhabeji SEZ to take advantage of the proximity  of two sea ports.

This expected influx of local and foreign investment in the Special Economic Zone at Dhabeji  will hopefully inject  much needed  capital  into the national economy and also  pave the way for transfer  of advanced technologies, fostering  innovation  and enhancing productivity. Furthermore, it will also be encouraging growth  of ancillary  industries and supply chains, promoting a  multiplier effect  and generating a ripple of economic  development  in the surrounding areas of Sindh province.

Provision of ten years tax holiday  to the investor, both local and foreign,  besides a number of tax exemptions on import of plants and machinery are indeed quite appreciable  and steps  in the right direction. It has been suggested by some quarters that Dhabeji SEZ should be  made a green energy zone through provision of electricity from  renewable  energy sources like wind and solar thus not only reducing  the production cost of industries but also  making their products of the industrial units competitive in the international market.