Continuous Productive Strategy can reduce effects on economy

Continuous Productive Strategy can reduce effects on economy

To overcome unemployment challenge and to fetch export revenue to grow industrial operation, Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry has insisted to government for 24/7 operation under standard operating procedure. As COVID-19 has shattered the economies of entire world while post COVID era was a little brighter in respective to opportunities, more precisely in export sector. Now, the 24/7 operation would be a wise decision by Government as the most focal victim of Corona is industrial sector. Only this sector can reduce the effects of drastic shocks on natural economy, thus, government must support the Industrial Sector. The immediate strategy for industrial sector must be made as about 55% of Pakistani products are exported to ten countries i.e.  USA, China, UAE, Afghanistan, UK Germany, France, Bangladesh, Italy and Spain. USA has largest share in exports (16 percent) followed by European Countries (11 percent) in total exports.