Cabinet approved the proposal regarding HSFO

A discussion on high-Sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) for power plants in the country especially in the KE system has been engaged out by the Cabinet Committee on energy in account and has approved the procedures advised by the Petroleum Division for ensuring required supplies of the product. In a meet up with Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives (PDSI) Asad Umar at P-Block Secretariat, the CCoE discussed the proposals of the Petroleum Division regarding sustainable supply chain of LPG in the country. The meeting was attended by Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz, Minister for Energy Omar Ayub Khan, SAPM on Petroleum Nadeem Babar, SAPM on Mineral Resources Shahzad Qasim and official of various divisions. The cabinet committee has approved the proposals submitted by the ministry for signing of the relevant agreements.