BMEC head office to be established in Quetta

To review the proposed plan for establishing the Balochistan Mineral Exploration Company (BMEC), Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani led a sophisticated meeting. It was decided to appoint the secretary for Minerals and Mineral Development that was approved too by seven-members of board of directors for the planned company.  As Balochistan would have 90 per cent shares in the company and the remaining 10pc would go to the federal government, thus, the head office of the company would be established in Quetta while a branch office would be set up in Islamabad. The Chagai Foundation would be set up with the aim to develop the economic and social sectors in the Chagai district. With improvement in the mining sector and mineral resources of the province would be developed that will not only just boost investors’ confidence but also enhance investment in the sector.