Ahmad Naeem Guides the 29th HVACR Expo to Success as Chief Convener

As the sun rises on the day of the much-anticipated 29th HVACR Expo 2024, Ahmad Naeem Chughtai, Chief Convener of the event, stands poised at the threshold of a momentous occasion. With the Expo set to unfold across three expansive halls at the Expo centre, Mr. Ahmad Naeem’s stewardship takes center stage, guiding the culmination of months of meticulous planning and preparation. “In the final hours leading up to the Expo, the collective efforts of our team have been nothing short of extraordinary,” Mr. Ahmad Naeem remarked, his tone resonating with anticipation. “Today marks the realization of our vision—a mega event poised to redefine industry standards and set new benchmarks for excellence.”

Reflecting on the journey that brought them to this pivotal moment, Mr. Ahmad Naeem recalls the strategic imperatives that guided their endeavours. “From the outset, our focus was crystal clear: engage exhibitors, streamline operations, and ensure a vibrant professional turnout,” he explains, a sense of determination palpable in his voice. “Through meticulous planning, we’ve transformed challenges into opportunities, laying the groundwork for an Expo of unprecedented scale and impact.”

The efforts of the Executive Council and the organizing team, Mr. Ahmad Naeem emphasizes, have been pivotal in surmounting obstacles and realizing their ambitious objectives. “Taking responsibility is not merely a duty—it’s a commitment,” he asserts. “The tireless dedication of individuals like Athar Shehzad Amir, Adnan Liaquat, Tanseer Hussain, Ammad Monus and others has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of Expo planning and execution. These individuals have truly gone above and beyond to make this expo a success”

In order to increase footfall and engage professionals for attendance to the expo an intensified social media advertising campaign was launched by PHVACR society for this expo. “We have observed in the past that more ‘reach’ is achieved through social media platforms, so in addition to conventional marketing venues like billboards flyers etc we have also invested heavily in advertising through social media platforms,” said Mr Ahmad Naeem.

As the Expo unfolds, the team’s focus remains fixed on surpassing previous milestones and setting new records of achievement. “While we celebrate our past successes, our gaze is firmly fixed on the future,” he declares, his words infused with conviction. “Today, we aim not only to break attendance and exhibitor records but to redefine the very essence of what an Expo of this magnitude represents.”

During the conversation with Engineering Post Mr. Ahmad Naeem said that they are always making improvements and learning from past experience. Underscoring the importance of innovation and adaptability in enhancing attendee experience he said “We’ve listened to feedback and responded with concrete actions this year. To ensure convenience an online badge registration system has been introduced. Instead of waiting in long queues for registration people can visit the website of Pakistan HVACR society www. hvacrexpo.org.pk and generate a badge for themselves by entering their information. A badge will be generated and sent to via emails. That badge can also be printed to be used at the expo,” he explained.