A brief look at Sustainable Energy 

Engineering Post Report 

The Energy Sector of Pakistan  was confronted with an intricate  network of challenges predominated by circular debt, imported fuel-based generation mix, depleting  natural gas supplies,  volatile international  energy prices and  high transmission and distribution losses.

According to the information available, the Planning Commission of Pakistan 

has outlined a comprehensive  roadmap, the  “SE Framework”  with energy as one of its  primary focus areas. This framework ranges four macro-level themes: Diversification & Indigenization, Affordability/Competitiveness, Financial  Sustainability, and Private Sector Development.

During 2023-24, an additional 1500 MW of installed capacity was integrated into the national grid, with cumulative figures reaching  412348 MW. The maximum demand peak at 235516 MW during 2023-24.  The national grid was going to have  capacity additions of 3010 MVA on 220 Voltage levels by the end of June 2024. Similarly, the distribution segment was going to have an addition of  2246 MVA on 132KV voltage levels  with addition  of   1626618 consumers onboard  and electrification of 8111 villages by the end of financial year 2023-24.

As for future outlook for financial year 2024-25  was concerned, the projects listed envisage  an additional  1962 MW of new generation  capacity, including quite significant contributions from Hydel Power Plants  i.e. 1138 MW. As such, the installed capacity was projected to reach a cumulative figure of 43310 MW with the peak demand tolling to 27140MW. The capacity additions in the national grid will be 4850, 5840 and 1000 MVA capacity on 500KV, 220KV and 1660KV voltage levels respectively while the distribution  sector  was planned to be supplemented  by an additional  capacity of  3328 MVA on 132KV voltage level and  expected to power 1775653 number of  consumers and electrification of 6937 more villages   during the same period.

The fuel sector continues to focus on enhanced indigenous crude oil  and coal production, however,  challenges remain, notably in natural gas  production. The achievements of LNG imports and pipeline infrastructure expansion demonstrated progress in addressing  the supply demand gaps adequately.