New chairman FIEMDC appointed

The Faisalabad Industrial Estate and Development Management Company (FIEMDC) was under the state of a hiatus without the new Chairman. Recently, the CEO of ZIS textile, Mr. Zafar Iqbal Sarwar has been appointed the new chairman of the company. Along with him, their has been a number of additions to the board of directors as […]
CCoE instructed to work on new terminals

In order to ensure pipeline capacity being allocated for new terminal developers, Federal Cabinet has directed Petroleum Division to streamline work of Pakistan Gas Pipeline. As in the past, Minister for Maritime Affairs, Ali Zaidi was unhappy at the volume of capacity for the two terminals allocated for defined capacity. Thus, an output of the […]
ASHRAE Pakistan announced HVAC Trends Expo and Conference on 27-28 November

Pakistan Chapter of ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers is glad to organize HVAC Trends Expo & Conference – Pakistan’s first focused event on VRF and Split Air-conditioning systems on 27 – 28 November 2021 at Karachi Marriott Hotel. The event will be managed by Business Relay Group (BRG.) HVAC Trends […]