Digitalization of Pakistan, What is being done and planned throughout the country?

What is being done and planned throughout the country While passing through an era of scientific inventions, information and technological developments and initiatives for digitalization, Pakistan is also making more or less accelerated activities and efforts for its digitalization at the earliest in an attempt to keep pace with fast developing countries around the world. […]
An insight into three sub-sectors of Manufacturing Sector

Engineering Post Report A robust manufacturing sector promotes domestic production, exports and generates employment, hence stimulating the overall growth of an economy. In Pakistan, manufacturing sector contributes 12.79 per cent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 16.1 per cent of the country’s labour force. Manufacturing sector consists of three sub-sectors: Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM), […]
Natural Gas contribution to primary energy mix of the country

Engineering Post Report Natural Gas is a clean, safe, efficient and environment friendly fuel. Its indigenous supplies contribute about 35 per cent in the primary energy supply mix of the country. Pakistan has an extensive gas network of over 13315 KM Transmission, 149715 KM Distribution and 39512 KM Services gas pipelines catering for the requirement […]
Minerals Development in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa

Engineering Post Report The total area of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa province is 74521 square kilometers of out of which as much as 70 per cent consist of mountains and rocks. The formation of these rocks contain huge prospects of different metallic/non-metallic minerals and various precious/semi-precious gemstones minerals. It has large number of mineral resources which have […]
Around 12 CPEC Projects expected to be implemented during 2021-22

Engineering Post Report As many as 12 projects in different sectors and in various parts of the country are most likely to be implemented and attain varying stages of completion under the umbrella of great game changer China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) during financial year. Pending the availability of details from official federal and provincial governments […]
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority

Engineering Post Report The Federal Government has established the National Energy & Conservation Authority under the National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Act of 2016. The Authority has been established as the sole federal authority for initiating, catalyzing, carrying out and coordinating the implementation of all energy conservation programmes in all sectors of national economy. The […]
Absence of Price Variation Clause is creating difficulties for contractors

Engr. Saeed Shamsi, Chairman, Potential Group talks to Engineering Post In the past few years the incumbent government has introduced some new policies without regard for the true situation on ground which is resulting in a truly difficult situation for the EPC contractors and companies working on government projects. To understand the real problems of the […]