Five projects worth Rs8.41 billion proposed in PSDP

The finance division has proposed five projects with an estimated cost of Rs8.41 billion for federal public sector development programme (PSDP) for the next fiscal year (2021-22). Two of the five projects have been approved from the Departmental Development Working Party (DDWP). The Up gradation of Pakistan Mint is also one of the approved projects. […]
Energy projects under CPEC will not add debt burden on Pakistan

For some time now, speculations have been revolving in the market about the new projects being installed in Pakistan under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The prevailing opinion is that the installation of these projects will ultimately prove to be a burden on the economy as all these projects are being established through loans which will […]
Power Sector foreign funded projects under implementation phase

As the government is focused on power sector, Power Division is regularly monitoring the progress of foreign-funded projects. To accelerate the sustainable economic growth of country, National Coordination Committee on Foreign-Funded Projects (NCC-FFP) has contacted the line departments of the Power Division. The instructions about the acceleration of the operation of the energy sector projects […]
Concession on electricity units for Industries

Omar Ayub Khan, Minister for Power Division has tweeted about the stern increase of electricity consumption at industrial wing. According to the recent statistics, the industrial usage of electricity has been observed to increase about 17 percent in January 2021. As in this year, owing to the provision of power to the industry at enterprise […]

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has planned to rehabilitate 69-year old Rasul Hydel Power Station located at a link between Upper Jhelum and Lower Jhelum Canals near Khokhra Head Works in Mandi Bahauddin District of Punjab Province. Rasul Hydel Power Station was commissioned in 1952 with an installed capacity of 22 Mega […]