Zero Terrain offered technology for electricity storage

Zero Terrain, an Irish Company has offered Pakistan to establish 500MW electricity storage systems which will have an availability of 12 hours. The company has offered an innovative solution for long-duration electricity storage by leveraging elevation differences between surface and deep underground reservoirs.

According to Aisha Farooqui, Pakistan Ambassador in Dublin, she had a meeting with the head of the company Cathal Lee, who claimed that the system pumps water to the surface during periods of surplus electricity and releases it to drive turbines, generating a stable supply of electricity when needed.

According to the Company, given the unique energy landscape and environmental conditions in Pakistan, Zero Terrain’s technology aligns seamlessly with the country’s strategic energy goals to integrate renewable energy into its energy mix, aiming for 20 percent renewable energy by 2025 and 30 percent by 2030. Zero Terrain’s ability to provide up to 24 hours of storage capacity makes it an ideal technology to complement Pakistan’s renewable energy targets, ensuring a constant and reliable electricity supply.

This technology being introduced by Zero Terrain will be most beneficial in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan, where it will play a critical role in enhancing the national grid’s capacity and stability. Moreover, the ability to locate Zero Terrain installations almost anywhere enhances Pakistan’s capacity to store energy generated from renewable sources and maintain grid stability.