Come to the official WÜRTH GROUP Press Conference on November 27, 2024 at 3.00 pm at the Würth Stand OS 880 at the outdoor plaza, join us for drinks and canapes and chat in a relaxed atmosphere with global entrepreneur Benjamin Würth what sustainability, green revolution and livability means for the Würth Group beyond the next 50 years.

As global leader in fasteners, assembly materials, adhesives, sealants and over 1 million other articles, the WÜRTH GROUP deliver a full scope of innovative, bespoke applications and digital solutions in an agile and reliable way to multiple industries in the Middle East and especially to the UAE. This will not only transform supply chains across the industries of the Gulf region but will contribute fundamentally to make the business models more resilient for tomorrow.
Benjamin Würth is taking over the Supervisory Board of the multinational group with 21 bn USD revenue and 87.000 employees from his grandfather this year. True to the motto ‘the only constant in life is change’ with his innovative approach and future investment strategies he is leading the path towards sustainability and livability for not only the next 50 years but far beyond multiple next generations.

As a family business, the well-being of the generations to come is particularly important to him and the group. Long-term sustainability can only be the result of a fair distribution of resources and opportunities. Family businesses globally but especially in the Middle East are characterized by consistency, long-term management and an intrinsic motivation to succeed. Long-term thinking and acting are deeply embedded in the WÜRTH GROUP’s corporate culture and in the owner’s family itself, which makes the new Middle East strategy and the contribution to the region‘s growth a natural fit for the WÜRTH GROUP.
Moving forward, the WÜRTH GROUP endeavors to provide a solid foundation for the corporate system of values and a corporate culture that is fair, inspiring and innovating for future generations. Identifying and cultivating opportunities purposefully is crucial to succeeding in a competitive environment with the best ideas. By being proactive about recognizing opportunities, the WÜRTH GROUP can do more than just react to change: it can actively drive forward innovation!

Sustainability and Livability means much more to the WÜRTH GROUP than efficient resource management and green energy. The WÜRTH GROUP has started to partner with different AI start-ups globally to enhance tracking services for Würth‘s clients, accelerating order processes, improve performance metrics and optimize asset intelligence. This will dramatically lower customer‘s expenses through customized logistics and supply chain solutions in the decades to come. Forecasting accuracy, mitigating risks and reducing or eliminating supply chain disruptions.
Implementing the vision of ‘being the groundbreaking leap forward’ takes courage, creativity and boldness and aligns perfectly with the ‘Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence’. Dubai‘s goal to incorporate AI across strategic sectors, providing the best environment for AI companies and global talent as well as transforming Dubai into a global hub for AI governance and legislation are major reasons for the WÜRTH GROUP‘s strategic attention to the Middle East for the decades to come.
Artificial Intelligence and Vertical Farming Hand in Hand.
Dubai and the WÜRTH GROUP as Game-Changer of the Future.
Dubai is already home to the world’s biggest vertical farm – and it’s set to beat its own record with GigaFarm, a 900,000 square foot facility that could replace up to 1% of food imports.
The advantages of vertical farming and hence the contribution to sustainability and livability are many: higher yield from lower consumption of raw materials (water, soil, nutrients); the ability to grow food where it is needed, in urban centres, thus reducing the reliance on fossil-fuel run transport systems; the ability to utilise wastewater and brown-field sites; protection from the consequences of climate change due to the controlled indoor environment and, most importantly, up to 95% reduction in water consumption.

Climate change, growing world population, loss of farmland and the need for a better use of resources. To solve these challenges, the WÜRTH GROUP is actively accelerating the green revolution by supporting the development of the farm of tomorrow to ensure sustainable food production. With the right global technology and supply chain partner such as the WÜRTH GROUP we can enhance sustainability as a means to improve the way the citizens live, work and interact in the UAE and the whole Middle East.
By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, smart industry solutions and the core values of a family business, which is interconnected globally with 400 subsidiaries, the WÜRTH GROUP will contribute significantly to the region‘s future growth and transformation in many groundbreaking aspects.
Join WÜRTH at the stand OS 880 from November 26-29, 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Center for an exciting insight of Würth‘s innovation, expertise and tailored services, see interactive product demos and meet industry leaders to benefit from their insightful global best practice in multiple industries.
For further information and inquiries please contact:
Würth Middle East
P.O.Box:17036, Jebel Ali Freezone,
South 6, Dubai, U.A.E