WAPDA to install telemetry system worth Rs 21.524 Billion

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has decided to install a telemetry system on the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) for real-time discharge monitoring. The telemetry system will be installed on 27 Key points for proper management and distribution of water.

The Rs. 21.524 Billion project has been awarded to a Joint Venture (JV) comprising CDigital and HBCC along with Siemens as Sub-Contractor in the JV.

Chief Engineer and Project Director Indus Telemetry Project Waseem Ali and Chief Executive Officer CDigital, Muhammad Ahsan Bashir signed the agreement on behalf of WAPDA and the JV respectively.

Member IRSA (Punjab), WAPDA’s Member (Finance), Member (Water), Member (Power), General Manager (Hydro Resource Management) and representatives of 45 Engineering Division, the Consultants and the Contractors also attended the ceremony.

As per the information, the telemetry system will become operational by December 2026