Steady progress of IT and Telecom in Pakistan

Report by Engineering Post

It is quite commendable to report here that Pakistan is making significant  strides  in  the digital realm particularly in the field of technology. The nation is embracing with open arms innovations and  connectivity  through various initiatives to order to propel itself into a new era of digital prominence.

Investments in infrastructure and developing a conducive  ecosystem for innovation    and growth  are laying the groundwork  for the country  to emerge  as a formidable  global  digital player. According to the information gathered from  official and other sources,  the country’s  digital  landscape was experiencing  a profound  transformation, opening  new opportunities  for growth, development , and prosperity. Technological  advancements  and increased  internet  usage were creating  new avenues  for business expansion,  creation of more and more employment opportunities, and economic  improvement.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning here  that key trends  and developments include rapid technological  advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI),  cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G networks. 

There was also a growing  reliance  on digital infrastructure for remote  work, e-commerce,  and online services.

The federal government  was actively pursuing  the Vision of Digital Pakistan, leading to the implementation  of various  cross- sectorial  digital transformation initiatives. These initiatives included  the Computer Emergency  Response Teams (CERT’s Rules), Artificial Intelligence Policy, National Freelancing  Facilitation Policy, Personal Data Protection Bill (Legislation), and  Digital Pakistan Policy.