Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz recently visited China where it has been reported that projects worth around Rs. 13 Billion were pledged by Chinese companies
During the visit, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz oversaw the signing of several significant Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) aimed at fostering innovation and sustainable development in Punjab. One key agreement was signed between Gobi Partners and The Bank of Punjab to establish a $50 million investment fund. This fund is designed to support technology startups and SMEs through debt financing, equity investments, and mentorship programs, marking a critical step towards building a sustainable digital economy and positioning Punjab as a leader in entrepreneurship and innovation.
Another pivotal MoU was signed with Chinese company Solar N Plus to advance Punjab’s green energy transition. The agreement includes plans to establish a dedicated facility in Punjab, conduct feasibility studies, and introduce advanced solar technologies to promote sustainable energy solutions and local capacity-building.
Additionally, a MoU was signed with Tianjin Capital Environmental Protection Group (TJCEP) to collaborate on urban development and environmental management projects. This partnership focuses on waste management, water treatment, pollution reduction, and the localization of environmental machinery, showcasing Punjab’s commitment to sustainable urban growth and infrastructure.
These agreements not only highlight Punjab’s strategic efforts to attract foreign investment but also underscore its focus on innovation, environmental sustainability, and fostering long-term global partnerships. Interestingly these are not just investments but will also focus on transfer of technology.