The governor of Punjab Muhammad Sarwar stated that plans are being made to provide the supply of clean drinking water to more than 15 million people in Punjab under the Punjab Aab- e- Pak authority. 10 projects are seen to be completed for this purpose. While addressing in the ceremony for the inauguration of clean drinking water in more than 16 cities of Punjab, the governor said that the Punjab water supply authority (PWSA) are eager to fix the sewerage system of the province if the government cooperates. He also said that it has taken them a year to form Punjab Aab-e-Pak authority due to red tapism of bureaucracy and the prime minister Imran khan, chief minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar, the government and the stakeholder, all of them have the same opinion about the authority and the work on 1500 projects of PWSA which are under completion all over the province and are expected to be finished at the end of this year.