Power Sector of Pakistan

Report by Engineering Post

Public investment to the tune of Rs 253660 million  has been  made to the Power Sector  under the Public Sector Development  Programme (PSDP)of the Federal Government for ongoing financial year 2024-25 including the government budgeted , self-finance projects of this important sector corporations  excluding the Independent  Power  Producers (IPPs)  whose agreements were being constantly  reviewed at the appropriate level, cancelled to avoid the heavy Capacity Payment  provisions.

During the current financial year 204-25, work was in progress at various levels for addition of  an incremental 1962 MW  to the generation mix , making the cumulative  figure rise to 43310 MW . This  included   the addition of 1302 MW from  renewable  energy (incorporating hydel) by end June 2025 when the overall  Generation Mix  will comprise  34.3 percent  of renewable  resources  (including hydel)  and 65 percent  thermal  (including  nuclear power).Out of  planned increase  in the incremental capacity of 1962 MW  includes  addition  of  Solar  132 MW , Hydel 1138 MW, Coal (imported ) 660 MW,Bagasse 32 MW Quite interestingly,  no addition to the Power Sector during the  ongoing financial year.will somehow has been planned through  Wind, Coal (local), Gas Regasified  Liquefied  Natural Gas (RLNG) ,Oil,  and Nuclear sources.

Furthermore , by the end June 2025,  the transmission  sector was planned to be  boosted  by an additional  4950,  5840 and 1000  MVA capacity on  500KV, 220 KV and 660 KV grids respectively.  The transmission lines on 500 kv and 660 voltage levels will hopefully be extended  by 24420 and 226 km each.

The investments in the distribution sector will result in the electrification of 6937 villages and an increase of 1775643 number of new connections for ten  Power Distribution Companies operating  all over the country.. Additionally, the distribution lines i.e. 132 kv lines will be extended by 1599 kilometers and the capacity of 13 kv grids will  be strengthened  by 3328 MVA.