The World Ozone Day 2021 was celebrated with fervor on September 16th 2021. This year, we celebrate 36 years of the Vienna Convention and 36 years of global ozone layer protection. The slogan of the day, “MONTREAL PROTOCOL – KEEPING US, OUR FOOD AND VACCINES COOL”, reminds us the significance of cooling requirements for food supplies and efficacy of vaccines for life on Earth. The event organized in this regard was graced by the honorable chief guest Madam Zartaj Gul, Minister of State for Climate Change and Ms. Naheed S Durrrani as chief guest and guest of honor respectively.

The Pakistan HVACR Society, and Mechanical department, NED University collaborated with National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Climate Change in making the event a success. The Minister of State highlighted the role of Ministry of Climate in fulfilling the commitments towards Montreal Protocol. She particularly, mentioned the successful achievement of 50 % compliance of phasing out HCFCs over and above 35% set under Montreal Protocol on January 2020.

This trend is being sustained in 2021. The role of PHVACR, industry, importers of HCFCs, academia also acknowledged. Mr. Khurram Rehaman Malick, President HVACR society, in his speech highlighted the role of the Society in promoting sustainable growth in refrigeration and air conditioning sector in Pakistan particularly in the ever growing cooling requirements in the country.

In his speech Syed Mujtaba Hussain, Senior Joint Secretary, emphasized the coordination of FBR, particularly Pakistan Customs and Ministry of Commerce in working closely with Ministry of Climate Change for regulating the import of HCFCs, thus maintaining the strict regime allowable under Montreal Protocol. During technical presentation Mr. Iqbal P Sheikh shared with the requirements for the ratification of Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol and the progress made in this regard. The event was keenly attended by experts, students and members of civil society.