Low cost energy will help revive the industries: KATI Chief

The President of the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) Sheikh Umer Rehan while appreciating the steps taken by the government to provide relief to the industries said that the biggest relief for the industry would be lowering of the energy prices.

He appreciated the step of the government for increasing the amount for which CNIC would be required saying this might fix the cash circulation issue. S M Muneer said that relief in duties on raw material to the industry and other incentives were commendable steps of the government. He said that the prime minister had taken some tough decisions for sustaining the economy, and “we expect that to give more relief to the industry he will take more such measures”.

He further said that in order to provide relief of budgetary incentives to the industry interest rate should be lowered to six percent.

He suggested that under the current circumstances the government may have to start some projects with the collaboration of the private sector for reviving economic activities and creating employment