The Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) has accorded approval to the issuance of Letter of Support (LoS) for 11 wind power projects falling under the category-II.
The names of the projects are:
50 MW ACT2 Wind (Pvt) Ltd; 50 MW Artistic Wind Power (Pvt) Ltd; 50 MW Din Energy (Pvt) Ltd; 50 MW Gul Ahmed Electric Ltd; 50 MW Indus Wind Energy Ltd; 50 MW Lakeside Energy (Pvt) Ltd; 50 MW Liberty Wind Power 1 (Pvt) Ltd; 50 MW Liberty Wind Power 2 (Pvt) Ltd; 60 MW Metro Wind Power Ltd; 50 MW NASDA Green Energy (Pvt) Ltd and 30 MW Transatlantic Energy Pvt Ltd
Federal Minister for Power on the occasion reiterated the commitment to promote renewable energy in the country.
A tripartite Letter of Support (LoS) for 50 MW wind power project namely Tricom Wind Power Limited was signed recently at the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB).
The LoS was issued after signatures by Dr Rana Abdul Jabbar Khan, CEO AEDB on behalf of government of Pakistan and Musaddiq Ahmed Khan, Secretary Energy Department, Government of Sindh, says a press release issued here.
The project is scheduled to achieve financial close by November 18, 2019. The project namely M/s Tricom Wind will produce 166.44 GWhr energy yearly.