Under current situation, the total sale of Oil Marketing Companies for month of April 2020 have been confined at 1.07 million tons in comparison with 2019 with a decline of 35 percent as threshold for March 2019. Nevertheless, the OMCs sales depicts an increase of 3 percent on month-on-month basis as compared to 1.03 million tons in March 2020. As long as the lockdown was extended for the whole month by provincial and federal governments to control the spread of Coronavirus, market witnessed an increase in petroleum products by 3 percent on month-on-month basis. In comparison with the past year, sales of FO, MS and HSD witnessed a steep decline of 75 percent, 36 percent and 16 percent to 0.07 million tons, 0.44 million tons and 0.55 million tons. While MS sales sank by 21 percent and HSD and FO volumes grew by 41 percent and 2 percent respectively. As soon as government opted smart lockdown and issued SOP’s, Oil utilization witnessed an intensifying drift. But if the smart lockdown is further extended, regrettably it will have negative impact on OMC. For the first ten months of Fall20, White and Black Oil sales margin at 13.35 million tons, illustrating a decline of 13 percent while Motor Gasoline sales witnessed a skimpy decline of 3 percent to 5.99 million tons due to the Coronavirus. But gigantic lessening in price will increase demand as customers will prefer petrol over Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).