Local auto part manufacturers urged govt to review EV policy

The local auto part manufacturers of Pakistan are urging the government to review the EV policy as it is, in their opinion, posed to do more harm than good.

The EV policy is aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of country by introducing environment friendly vehicles but according to Pakistan’s economic survey, Pakistan electricity production is still 58.4 percent dependent on thermal sources, such as Coal, LNG, RLNG and furnace oil. So without changing the mix in energy sector, CO2 emissions will only shift from vehicle tail pipes in urban city centres to power plant chimneys.

Munir Bana, Chief Executive of Loads Limited, a leading auto parts manufacturer while talking to a media outlet explained that countries like India, Malaysia and Bangladesh are transforming their automotive industry for compliance towards zero emissions. While at the same time they continue nurturing their local parts manufacturing industries, in order to protect their investment & infrastructure, sustain their massive employment, and retain their valuable tax contributions to their exchequer.