Korean investment companies to collaborate with Pakistani SMEs

Korean trade and investment agency KOTRA organized an industrial collaboration forum this year to increase the collaborative work between Korea and Pakistan. The agency, in collaboration with the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority SMEDA and PAAPAM, has forced working authorities from both the countries to increase Joint Ventures JV between Korea and Pakistan.
CEO SMEDA, Hashim Raza stated while talking to the local SMEs that the Korean ambassador Sung Sangpyo is trying for the Korean development agencies like KOTRA and KOIKA to increase the amount of collaborative assignments with SMEDA.
Hashim Raza, CEO SMEDA, while talking to the Korea Pakistan Industrial forum 2022, stated that SMEDA has been able to successfully invest a total of 6 billion rupees for the establishment of facility centers to assist SME projects. The taxation system has been simplified to decrease the regulatory burden and financial access to SME sector has also been made easier for the development in this regard. Trade and investment in the sector has also been made easier due to the new SME policy. He invited the Korean investing companies to take part in the Pakistani SME projects as a lot of potential is clearly visible in the fields of construction, fisheries, livestock, tourism, engineering, minerals and leather. The positive involvement of KOIKA and KOTRA were also appreciated.