Engineering Post Report
A number of key interventions and programmes have been chalked out by the Ministry of Science and Technology for implementation during financial year 2020-21 and some of these are reportedly making steady progress.
In line with the federal government’s manifesto regarding strengthening of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), awareness among SMEs for adoption of certification systems to help for improving their performance and productivity is being continued during current financial year under the Certification Incentive Programme. Under the scheme, more awareness seminars in association with the local Chambers of Commerce and Industry will be arranged throughout the country, as and when required in order to maximize the receiving number of applications by SMEs for grant of incentive Award.
Efforts to improved land and water conservation practices are also being continued for enhancing waste land productivity in areas like Thal Desert and control of water logging in low lying areas of Sindh. New initiatives for conservation of Karezes for sustainable groundwater management in Balochistan is also planned to be implemented on pilot scale.
Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) is executing for Research and Development (R&D) projects and nine regular/collaborative research studies.
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) is in full swing during current financial year throughout the country. More students batches are being selected for award of scholarships under the scheme.
Through a competitive research programme, research grants are proposed to be provided for addressing the mega national issues and promoting world class research in the country.
High-tech, low cost and sustainable energy solutions with renewable resources are being promoted by Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET). Moreover, A testing facility is also planned to be established for Solar and Allied Equipment with collaboration of Korea in order to ensure quality standards in renewable energy products available in the market.
At Gwadar, Precision Mechanics and Technology Institute will be completed to develop quality manpower in precision mechanics and instrumentation technology through introducing new training programmes at the said Institute.
Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) is looking to train technical manpower for operation, maintenance and repairing of sophisticated scientific instruments and strengthening of Triple Helix model of Innovation which refers to a set of interaction between research , academics and industry and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology from universities and public research centres to the business sector, technology parks may be established. The parks may contribute , through technology and innovation, to increase business competitiveness and development in Pakistan.
Facility for production of indigenous stent manufacturing system will be completed at Medical Devices Development Centre at National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Islamabad. Non-Clinical Testing of medical devices as per relevant standards to assess the safety and performance and also Certified Testing Facility for medical devices and assistance to Drug Regulatory Authority (DRAP) for improvement in regulation of the medical devices in the country and employment generation in the country and improvement of the patient safety are also in the agenda.
Universities under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) i.e. COMSATS University Islamabad , NUST will undertake various projects to enhance their capability and strengthen the infrastructure.
Provision of essential infrastructure for the newly chartered National University of Technology (NUTECH) is also planned in the next year. This newly chartered university under MoST , envisions revolutionizing Technological Education Sector by introducing higher education in the technology streams.
And, some projects suggested by the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Science and Technology for strengthening and creating new opportunities are also listed in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2020-21.