KE plants should run on natural gas, President KATI

President of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI), Faraz-ur-Rehman stated that K- Electric, can save up to 100 billion rupees per year by operating its plants on natural gas. As of right now, the government of Pakistan has been supplying imported RLNG to be used for the purposes of power generation which is very expensive as compared to the natural gas and causes unnecessary financial fuel adjustment burden on the general public and also plays its part in the increment of circular debt.

Faraz-ur-Rehman also said that the Government should make sure that maximum solar and Thar coal projects are being installed by KE to subsequently reduce the overall fuel adjustment charges on the general public of the city. According to him, KE should be able to complete all planned renewable energy projects including the coal and solar projects within two years span.

However, large sum of investments may be required for the implementation of these renewable energy projects. He also pointed out that KE is required to raise funds from international and local financial institutions which will in turn help in the initiation and finalization of the projects to be worked upon.

According to him, the most appropriate solution for energy crisis in the country is to increase our dependency upon renewable energy sources and abandon the energy generated by expensive fuel and diesel. He also said that the pending work in transmission lines needs to be completed by K-Electric as soon as possible.